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Conflict Analysis Project » Geo-Located Mapping of Conflicts » Families of kidnapped soldiers block Qalamoun highway
Conflict Incident Report
Families of kidnapped soldiers block Qalamoun highway
Associated Timeline/Case:
Arsal Conflict (starting August 2, 2014)
Date of incident:
October 8, 2014
Death toll:
Number of Injured:
Actors/Parties Involved:
Families of abducted soldiers [Arsal Clashes]
The families of the kidnapped military men on Wednesday blocked Tripoli-Beirut international highway near in Qalamoun, demanding a swift release of their abducted sons.
Primary category:
Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...]
Classification of conflict (primary):
Policy conflicts
Conflicts associated with political decisions, government or state policies regarding matters of public concern, such as debates concerning law reforms, electoral laws, and protests of the government’s political decisions, among others.
Classification of conflict(secondary):
Power & governance conflicts
Violent or non-violent conflicts associated with antagonisms related to internal political tensions between local and/or national groups and parties. These tensions may be encouraged by internal, regional and international parties. Such conflicts are characterized by their defiance and/or opposition to central State power and governance.
Nearby Incidents
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