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Conflict Incident Report

EDL part timers' burn tires in front of New Company Debas

Associated Timeline/Case: 
EDL Conflict (starting July 11, 2014)
Date of incident: 
October 21, 2014
Death toll: 
Number of Injured: 
Actors/Parties Involved: 
EDL - Electricite du Liban

Some of EDL (Electricite Du Liban) part timers' headed on Tuesday morning to "Royal Tower", Kornish el Nahr region, towards "New Company Debas" where they burned tires protesting the failure to receive their salaries. The protesters waved to escalate if their demands were not met.

Primary category: 
Collective Action [inc. protests, solidarity movements...]
Classification of conflict (primary): 
Conflicts of socio-economic development
Conflicts associated with lack of, or gaps in economic development, opportunities and access to resources.