Politics, Progress, and Parliament in 2018: Can Lebanese Women Make Headway?

Cited By:
Lebanon Support
Publishing Year:
Catherine Batruni
Marcus Hallinan
Gender Equity Network, Conflict Analysis Project
Elections, Gender
Resource Type:
Policy Brief
Lebanon may witness a remarkable rise in the number of women serving in Parliament come May 2018 due to initiatives from women’s groups, “civil society” activists, and the substantial number of female candidates – 113 at the start of the election period. However, as this briefing paper shows, Lebanese women continue to face numerous challenges in entering government. The new electoral law passed in June 2017 does not provide women with equal opportunity to be elected, and it is yet to be seen whether it will increase female representation in Parliament. Nevertheless, the historic number of female candidates running in this election demonstrates that women are more determined than ever to increase their presence in Lebanese politics.
This briefing paper is available in English and Arabic, and is published in the frame of the call: "New on The Scene, Can Emerging Political Actors and Women Make Headway in Lebanon's 2018 Parliamentary Elections?".
For a thorough discussion of "new" and "civil society actors" participation in Lebanon's 2018 Parliamentary elections, see: Zeina el-Helou, "Lebanon's 2018 Elections: An Opportunity for "New" Political Actors".
Women in Lebanese Parliament, Gender, Lebanese Elections, 2018 parliamentary elections
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