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Conflict Analysis Project » Geo-Located Mapping of Conflicts » Three drug dealers arrested in Baabda
Conflict Incident Report
Three drug dealers arrested in Baabda
Date of incident:
August 7, 2018
Death toll:
Number of Injured:
Actors/Parties Involved:
Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF)
Syrian Civilians/Refugees
Lebanese Civilians
أوقفت دورية من المديرية في محلة الكفاءات بعبدا، المواطن ي. ك. والسوري ب. ر. بـ"جرم الاتجار بالمخدرات وترويجها، وضبطت بحوزتهم كمية من مادتي الكوكايين وحشيشة الكيف بالإضافة إلى مبلغ من المال"، منوهةً الى أنه "أحيل الموقوفون مع المضبوطات الى المراجع المختصة، وبوشرت التحقيقات".
Primary category:
Secondary Category:
Illicit Trade/Trafficking/Smuggling
Classification of conflict (primary):
Power & governance conflicts
Violent or non-violent conflicts associated with antagonisms related to internal political tensions between local and/or national groups and parties. These tensions may be encouraged by internal, regional and international parties. Such conflicts are characterized by their defiance and/or opposition to central State power and governance.
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