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Conflict Analysis Project » Geo-Located Mapping of Conflicts » Woman victim of harassment in an elevetor
Conflict Incident Report
Woman victim of harassment in an elevetor
Date of incident:
August 8, 2017
Death toll:
Number of Injured:
Actors/Parties Involved:
Lebanese Civilians
نشرت مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي مقطع مصور يظهر تعرض احدى السيدات وتدعى "غنى.غ" وهي زوجة مستشار احد الوزراء في لبنان، للتحرش الجنسي اثناء صعودها المصعد متجهة الى مكان عملها. ويوضح الفيديو كيف تمكنت السيدة من الهروب قبل أن يفلت المحرشون ويهربون الى جهة مجهولة.
This security incident was mapped according to the closest possible location.
Primary category:
Gender Based Violence [inc. sexual violence]
Classification of conflict (primary):
Individual acts of violence
Violent incidents which do not have a specific or a known political agenda but are caused by the general proliferation of weapons, of trained and untrained soldiers or militants, by the general inefficiency of the Justice system, and past-traditions and histories of violence within society.