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Conflict Incident Report
Smugglers arrested in Beirut
Date of incident:
October 28, 2016
Death toll:
Number of Injured:
Actors/Parties Involved:
Syrian Civilians/Refugees
وطنية - أوقفت المديرية العامة لأمن الدولة- مديرية بيروت الإقليمية- مكتب بيروت الثانية، الرأس المدبر وعصابته المؤلفة من خمسة عناصر من السوريين، اعترفوا بإقدامهم على تهريب أشخاص ومطلوبين من سوريا الى لبنان وبالعكس بطريقة غير مشروعة لقاء مبالغ مالية. وسلموا إلى القضاء المختص بعد إجراء التحقيق اللازم معهم.
This security incident was mapped according to the closest possible location.
Source Link:
Primary category:
Secondary Category:
Illicit Trade/Trafficking/Smuggling
Classification of conflict (primary):
Border conflicts (Syrian border)
Violations, disputes and/or conflicts arising between rival armed groups along the Lebanese/Syrian borders which involve parties or militant groups from the Lebanese and Syrian side in both Lebanon and Syria. These conflicts also encompass transnational groups (such as faith-based regional groups, e.g. ISIS, al-Nusra Front) that cannot be considered as strictly Syrian, Lebanese or of any other national entity.
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