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Conflict Incident Report

Israeli infantry kidnapped a herd of goats from Chebaa

Associated Timeline/Case: 
Rise of Tensions on Israeli Border (starting January 25, 2015 till February 1, 2015)
Date of incident: 
June 7, 2016
Death toll: 
Number of Injured: 

وطنية - افاد مندوب الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام في حاصبيا باسل أبوحمدان ان قوة مشاة اسرائيلية معادية اقدمت عصر اليوم على خطف قطيع من الماشية من مرتفعات الشحل غربي شبعا يعود لصاحبه اسماعيل زهرة ونقلته الى داخل مزارع شبعا المحتلة.

Primary category: 
Land Violation/Land Borders Crossing
Secondary Category: 
Hostage Taking Situation [inc. attempt, release]
Classification of conflict (primary): 
Border conflicts (Israeli border)
Violations, disputes and/or conflicts instigated by Israeli intrusions on Lebanese national territories, airspace, and territorial waters. While there currently is no Israeli military occupation on Lebanese soil, these events are classified as violations of Lebanese sovereignty and are indicative of the continuous tensions between Lebanon and Israel.