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Conflict Analysis Project » Geo-Located Mapping of Conflicts » A Lebanese civilian arrested for possessing drugs
Conflict Incident Report
A Lebanese civilian arrested for possessing drugs
Date of incident:
March 24, 2016
Death toll:
Number of Injured:
وطنية - افاد المندوب الامني ل"الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام" الياس شاهين ان دوربات مفرزة استقصاء بيروت في قيادة الشرطة اوقفت ضمن نطاق مدينة بيروت عددا من المطلوبين والمخالفين بجرائم مختلفة وهم: - وفي المحلة عينها تم توقيف:(ش.ح.ص.ن) - لبناني، لحيازته كمية من مادة الكوكايين وحشيشة الكيف .
Primary category:
Secondary Category:
Illicit Trade/Trafficking/Smuggling
Classification of conflict (primary):
Power & governance conflicts
Violent or non-violent conflicts associated with antagonisms related to internal political tensions between local and/or national groups and parties. These tensions may be encouraged by internal, regional and international parties. Such conflicts are characterized by their defiance and/or opposition to central State power and governance.
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