Content index

ID Title Type Created
43349 Wanted persons arrested in Hazmieh Security Incident Report [security] Aug 16 2017 - 14:47
34425 Wanted persons arrested in Jdita Security Incident Report [security] Jun 8 2016 - 11:54
43733 Wanted persons arrested in Jounieh Security Incident Report [security] Sep 22 2017 - 16:45
32921 Wanted persons arrested in Khaldeh Security Incident Report [security] Jan 21 2016 - 10:07
41082 Wanted persons arrested in Kneyseh and Maqneh – Bekaa Security Incident Report [security] Apr 3 2017 - 20:55
34574 Wanted persons arrested in Koura Security Incident Report [security] Jun 16 2016 - 12:29
38405 Wanted persons arrested in Koura Security Incident Report [security] Sep 15 2016 - 18:33
40144 Wanted persons arrested in Macharii El Qaa Security Incident Report [security] Jan 27 2017 - 21:58
32702 Wanted persons arrested in Majdaloun – Bekaa Security Incident Report [security] Jan 11 2016 - 10:22
30623 Wanted persons arrested in Nabatieh Security Incident Report [security] Jun 22 2015 - 09:33
33563 Wanted persons arrested in Nabatieh Security Incident Report [security] Mar 15 2016 - 14:22
35273 Wanted persons arrested in Nabatieh Security Incident Report [security] Jul 21 2016 - 11:58
42023 Wanted persons arrested in Nabatieh Security Incident Report [security] May 22 2017 - 11:49
34241 Wanted persons arrested in North Lebanon Security Incident Report [security] May 18 2016 - 12:40
33912 Wanted persons arrested in Ouzai Security Incident Report [security] Apr 14 2016 - 12:14
33050 Wanted persons arrested in Qobbet Choumra – Akkar Security Incident Report [security] Feb 1 2016 - 10:22
41613 Wanted persons arrested in Sabra Security Incident Report [security] Apr 30 2017 - 01:26
30527 Wanted persons arrested in Saida Security Incident Report [security] Jun 17 2015 - 14:47
31687 Wanted persons arrested in Saida Security Incident Report [security] Oct 7 2015 - 09:57
38573 Wanted persons arrested in Saida Security Incident Report [security] Sep 26 2016 - 15:02
41183 Wanted persons arrested in Saida and Maghdouche Security Incident Report [security] Apr 5 2017 - 19:31
33305 Wanted persons arrested in Saouiri Security Incident Report [security] Feb 22 2016 - 10:51
52129 Wanted persons arrested in Sour for robbery Security Incident Report [security] Sep 3 2018 - 14:27
37591 Wanted persons arrested in Tebbeneh – Tripoli Security Incident Report [security] Aug 22 2016 - 10:27
30068 Wanted persons arrested in the Southern Suburbs of Beirut Security Incident Report [security] May 11 2015 - 10:28
