The Precarity Gender Gap and Non-Institutional Forms of Solidarity in Social Protection in Lebanon
Publication Date:
March, 2023
Period Covered:
July, 2022 to March, 2023
This infographic is based on two recently published research pieces by the CeSSRA, a survey report on the challenges of the current Lebanese social protection system, and a paper on multidimensional fears, vulnerabilities and coping mechanisms among women leading households in Lebanon.
In the context of the weak national social security and protection, residents in Lebanon, and more specifically women, have to rely on solidarity-based social networks in order to protect themselves from various social risks. Data shows that women live in more precarious conditions than men, despite the similar levels of coverage.
The Precarity Gender Gap and Non-Institutional Forms of Solidarity in Social Protection in Lebanon

Valerie Nseir
Gender Equity Network, Socio-Economic Rights Base, Conflict Analysis Project
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