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ID Title Type Created
66560 Protest, march, and roadblock in Halba in solidarity with detianed activists nation-wide, as well as in denouncement of the deterioration of socio-economic conditions Collective Action Jun 30 2020 - 10:07
66394 Protester and roadblock in Qiyaa Collective Action Jun 15 2020 - 09:48
45909 Protester blocked road in Aramoun Collective Action Mar 2 2018 - 17:15
64554 Protester force the closure of currency exchange offices in Halba Collective Action Dec 2 2019 - 09:56
73741 Protester roadblock in Bisri over power cuts Collective Action Feb 3 2022 - 11:22
66307 Protester sit-in and march in Saida denouncing the the increase of the USD-LBP exchange rate Collective Action Jun 10 2020 - 10:11
64525 Protesters and students organize march in Halba and a sit-in in front of its Seray Collective Action Nov 28 2019 - 10:08
29178 Protesters across Lebanon denounce new Charlie cartoon Security Incident Report [security] Jan 19 2015 - 12:43
65527 Protesters against capital control blocked a road at Tall-Tripoli Collective Action Mar 14 2020 - 12:31
72757 Protesters and families of schoolgirls stage a sit-in and roadblock in Kondar to denounce the sexual harassment recently faced by schoolgirls from the area, as well as to protest against the structural unemployment and marginalisation of the governorate Light Collective Action Oct 22 2021 - 16:24
64634 Protesters and parents blocked Beddawi highway demanding the release of those detained for suspected civil disobedience Collective Action Dec 3 2019 - 16:58
64173 Protesters and students closed off the Ogero building in Jounieh Collective Action Nov 6 2019 - 15:00
64452 Protesters and students continue marches and sit-ins in Tripoli Collective Action Nov 18 2019 - 11:43
64499 Protesters and students in Dinieh force the closure of schools and of Ogero in Bakhaoun Collective Action Nov 21 2019 - 16:51
64362 Protesters and students march and sit-in in Arsal Collective Action Nov 13 2019 - 09:52
65045 Protesters and students march and sit-in in front of public institutions in the Zahle including Ogero and Liban post Collective Action Jan 20 2020 - 10:48
64186 Protesters and students march from Justice Palace towards TVA building Collective Action Nov 6 2019 - 16:27
64365 Protesters and students march in Baalbek and close Ogero branch Collective Action Nov 13 2019 - 10:00
64627 Protesters and Students march in Tripoli Collective Action Dec 3 2019 - 16:33
65051 Protesters and students march towards Jal el Dib Collective Action Jan 20 2020 - 11:04
64692 Protesters and Tripoli municipality employees organize sit-ins to refute the voting in of Aalam al Din as President of the Union of Feiha Municipalities Collective Action Dec 9 2019 - 12:03
65049 Protesters are joined by doctors from Hotel Dieu at the Ring Bridge Collective Action Jan 20 2020 - 10:58
66402 Protesters arrive to Bechara el Khoury and set off fires forcing the security forces to use tear gas bombs Collective Action Jun 15 2020 - 10:05
42413 Protesters assaulted during rally against new vote law Security Incident Report [security] Jun 19 2017 - 10:46
65229 Protesters at Kfar Roumman sit-in denouncing against Corruption, all the while demanding the Resignation of the Government and the Central Bank’s Governor Collective Action Feb 7 2020 - 10:30
