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Content - P

ID Title Type Created
33484 protest from Barbir to Riad El Solh 22 Feb Security Incident Report [security] Mar 9 2016 - 16:18
67050 Protest in Aabassiyeh leads to scuffle with LAF Collective Action Aug 3 2020 - 11:35
61793 Protest in Aaqbiye leads to cutting the road Security Incident Report [security] Dec 13 2018 - 12:15
71331 Protest in Abde-Halba road against the detention of diesel buses Collective Action Apr 27 2021 - 13:06
41991 Protest in Ain el Helwe Security Incident Report [security] May 18 2017 - 19:36
43544 Protest in Ain el Helwe Security Incident Report [security] Sep 1 2017 - 23:13
48886 Protest in Ain el Helweh Collective Action Jul 3 2018 - 10:56
61954 Protest in Ain el Helweh Collective Action Dec 21 2018 - 15:03
48443 Protest in Ain el Helweh Security Incident Report [security] Jun 14 2018 - 11:34
52440 Protest in Ain el Helweh Security Incident Report [security] Oct 28 2018 - 18:44
39490 Protest in Ain el Hiloue Security Incident Report [security] Nov 25 2016 - 21:01
39574 Protest in Ain el Hiloue Security Incident Report [security] Dec 3 2016 - 20:03
40723 Protest in Ain el Hiloue Security Incident Report [security] Mar 14 2017 - 21:16
66648 Protest in Ain el Hiloue camp against annexing parts of the West Bank Collective Action Jul 1 2020 - 15:49
65268 Protest in Ain el Hiloueh against the “Deal of the Century” Collective Action Feb 13 2020 - 15:34
40652 Protest in Ain el Hilwe Security Incident Report [security] Mar 7 2017 - 16:38
33628 Protest in Ain el Remmaneh Security Incident Report [security] Mar 18 2016 - 16:30
41595 Protest in Akkar Security Incident Report [security] Apr 29 2017 - 23:33
41604 Protest in Akkar Security Incident Report [security] Apr 30 2017 - 00:41
67340 Protest in Akkar for the formation of an non-partisan government Collective Action Sep 3 2020 - 10:04
41723 Protest in al Ain Security Incident Report [security] May 5 2017 - 00:24
40231 Protest in Al Ain – Baalbeck Security Incident Report [security] Feb 4 2017 - 18:04
72026 Protest in Al Qayaa to denouce deterioration socio-economic situation Collective Action Aug 7 2021 - 20:06
66733 Protest in Al-Ain denouncing the deterioration of socio-economic conditions Collective Action Jul 6 2020 - 10:32
69017 Protest in Al-Badawi camp in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners and detainees in the Israeli prisons Collective Action Mar 24 2021 - 14:05
