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ID Title Type Created
16855 DNA test proves Satem as Haret Hreik bomber Map Security Event Jan 4 2014 - 12:31
38376 Doctor Al-Shal released in Douris Security Incident Report [security] Sep 14 2016 - 21:21
49111 Doctor assaulted at Hotel Dieu Hospital Security Incident Report [security] Jul 24 2018 - 14:05
1897 Doctor found killed in his clinic in Jbeil Map Security Event Aug 27 2013 - 14:13
65048 Doctors and medical staff demonstrate and denounce the shortage of supplies and funds to the hospitals and medical sector Collective Action Jan 20 2020 - 10:56
74570 Doctors at Rabta hospital in Tunis start an open-ended strike to protest the absence of security guards to ensure public safety at the hospital Light Collective Action May 31 2022 - 13:27
49212 Doctors protest ER physicians beating Collective Action Jul 31 2018 - 17:23
49123 Doctors protest ER physicians beating Security Incident Report [security] Jul 24 2018 - 14:45
66849 Doctors protest in front of the Ministry of Public Health denouncing the new mechanism through which vaccines will be received Collective Action Jul 15 2020 - 09:37
74541 Doctors stage a sit-in and roadblock outside Banque du Liban’s headquarters in Hamra to protest the central bank and commercial banks’ policies regarding depositors and specifically hospitals and healthcare workers Collective Action May 27 2022 - 13:27
72570 Doctors stage a sit-in in Hermel in solidarity with cancer patients to demand to guarantee access to free drugs for cancer patients and to fight monopolies on drugs Collective Action Oct 4 2021 - 10:40
72875 Doctors stage a sit-in outside the Al-Assi Hospital in Hermel in solidarity with their colleague who has been assaulted and insulted Collective Action Nov 3 2021 - 11:37
73697 Doctors strike nationwide to demand reforms of their status and benefits. The strike is organised by the Union of Public Health Doctors Pharmacists and Dentists. Light Collective Action Jan 28 2022 - 16:34
75297 Doctors who obtained their medical certificates from medical boards abroad stage a sit-in outside the Minister of Health 's office to protest amendments to the Jordan Medical Council law Light Collective Action Aug 29 2022 - 12:20
75450 Doctors who obtained their medical certificates from medical boards abroad stage a sit-in outside the Parliament to demand the recognition and accredition of their certificatesas members of Parliament discuss amendments to the Jordan Medical Council Law Light Collective Action Sep 13 2022 - 10:38
75448 Doctors who obtained their medical certificates from medical boards abroad stage a sit-in outside the Parliament to protest amendments to the Jordan Medical Council law and to demand the recognition and accreditation of their certificates and diplomas Light Collective Action Sep 13 2022 - 10:35
75224 Doctors who obtained their medical certificates from medical boards abroad stage a sit-in outside the Professional Associations Complex to protest potential amendments to the Jordan Medical Council law and call for the dismissal of the Minister of Health Light Collective Action Aug 17 2022 - 14:26
75328 Doctors who specialise in occupational health stage a sit-in outside the occupational health complex building in Nabeul and hold a 3-day strike to demand administrative reforms for the complex Light Collective Action Aug 31 2022 - 11:45
72355 Doctors working at the Ministry of Health hold a protest stand against the amendments to the collective labor agreement for the new doctors Light Collective Action Sep 20 2021 - 14:54
51647 Documentary: "Neither Dead, Nor alive" Initiatives Aug 17 2018 - 15:25
51800 Documentary: "Neither Dead, Nor alive" Reconciliatory Initiative Aug 17 2018 - 16:29
51721 Documentary: Badna Na'ref Initiatives Aug 17 2018 - 15:25
51852 Documentary: Badna Na'ref Reconciliatory Initiative Aug 17 2018 - 16:29
51762 Documentary: Harab Libnan Initiatives Aug 17 2018 - 15:25
51868 Documentary: Harab Libnan Reconciliatory Initiative Aug 17 2018 - 16:29
