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ID Title Type Created
15138 Agenda Tuesday December 10 , 2013 Map Security Event Dec 9 2013 - 04:14
15164 Agenda Tuesday December 10 , 2013 Map Security Event Dec 9 2013 - 10:16
15091 Agenda, Wednesday December 11, 2013 Map Security Event Dec 8 2013 - 15:59
15114 Agenda, Wednesday December 11, 2013 Map Security Event Dec 8 2013 - 22:01
15137 Agenda, Wednesday December 11, 2013 Map Security Event Dec 9 2013 - 04:14
15163 Agenda, Wednesday December 11, 2013 Map Security Event Dec 9 2013 - 10:16
74654 Agents and forest guards affiliated to the Agricultural Guidance Cell demonstrate in Oueslatia to denounce the repeated attacks they had recently been facing Light Collective Action Jun 8 2022 - 15:23
75012 Agents of the National Organization for Driving and Road Safety Training Establishments stage a sit-in in front of the Ministry of Transport to demand the suspension of new clauses for obtaining and handing over driver’s licenses Light Collective Action Jul 18 2022 - 13:36
72627 Agents of the National Security District in Metlaoui start an open-ended sit-in in front of the National Security District headquarters. They protest against the absence of response to their demands that they have been voicing for four years. Light Collective Action Oct 8 2021 - 15:02
72626 Agents of the National Security District in Qibli enter their fifth day of an open-ended sit-in in front of the National Security District headquarters. They demand the implementation of agreements on social transportation signed four months ago. Light Collective Action Oct 8 2021 - 15:01
40836 Aggravated assault on a Syrian woman in Aadloun –Zahrani Security Incident Report [security] Mar 22 2017 - 13:09
75206 Aging in Times of Crisis: Old Age Private Sector Workers Facing Growing Social Insecurity in Lebanon RAC: Paper Aug 16 2022 - 15:34
73594 Agricultural contract workers start an open-ended sit-in at the headquarters of the Regional Delegation of Agriculture in Beja to demand the regularization of their employment status Light Collective Action Jan 21 2022 - 12:34
72422 Agricultural engineers employed at the Greater Amman Municipality stage a sit-in to demand equal labor treatment with the rest of their peers Light Collective Action Sep 21 2021 - 15:38
26621 Agricultural sector situation Shehayeb discusses Map Security Event May 29 2014 - 12:02
73920 Agricultural workers and residents of the Al-Qassab area stage a sit-in outside the Court of First Instance in Siliana after they were summoned by the judiciary in relation with the Al-Masir file Light Collective Action Feb 28 2022 - 16:15
72906 Agricultural workers stage a sit-in in Kasserine to protest against the attempted murder of the director of the Forestry Department in Kasserine Light Collective Action Nov 5 2021 - 14:36
161 Agriculture and Natural Resources Team Author May 30 2013 - 15:24
13036 Agriculture Ministry denies presence of Israeli tomatoes in Lebanese market Map Security Event Nov 8 2013 - 15:30
13072 Agriculture Ministry denies presence of Israeli tomatoes in Lebanese market Map Security Event Nov 8 2013 - 21:44
13093 Agriculture Ministry denies presence of Israeli tomatoes in Lebanese market Map Security Event Nov 9 2013 - 04:21
74016 Agriculture workers in Mafraq governorate stage a second sit-in after their employers did only pay them a part of the amount they owe them. Light Collective Action Mar 8 2022 - 14:33
73980 Agriculture workers in Mafraq governorate stage a sit-in and strike to demand their dues Light Collective Action Mar 4 2022 - 15:44
72990 Agriculture workers stage a sit-in outside the Ministry of Labour to protest against the new obligation for foreign workers to benefit from social security Light Collective Action Nov 15 2021 - 15:17
73811 Agriculture workers stage a sit-in outside the Parliament to protest against the obligation for foreign workers to benefit from social security Light Collective Action Feb 10 2022 - 16:12
