Collective Action

Retired soldiers and protesters stage a sit-in and roadblock in Tripoli over deteriorating socioeconomic living conditions

Retired soldiers and demonstrators held a sit-in and roadblocked on Monday morning in Tripoli’s al-Nour Square in protest of deteriorating living conditions, as Lebanon continues to be mired in an ever-deepening economic crisis. “The mobilizations will continue in all regions to denounce the political class performance,'' protester Haitham Dergham told our correspondent in the north, Michel Hallak. The protester decried the fact that salaries no longer meet basic expenses of a single day due to the soaring inflation of prices.The Lebanese lira has lost more than 90 percent of its value against the dollar over the last three years, plunging more than three-quarters of the Lebanese population below the poverty line.

وطنية – طرابلس - نفذ العسكريون المتقاعدون وعدد من المحتجين على الاوضاع المعيشية والاقتصادية المتردية، وقفة احتجاجية وسط ساحة عبد الحميد كرامي في طرابلس المعروفة بساحة النور، وعمدوا الى قطع بعض  مسارب الساحة. وتحدث باسم المعتصمين هيثم درغام الذي أكد "استمرار التحركات في المناطق اللبنانية كافة، رفضا للممارسات والاسلوب الذي يعتمده المسؤولون"، مشددا على "الاستمرار في الاحتجاجات حتى تحقيق المطالب".

July 4, 2022
Actors/ Mobilising structures: 
Collective / informal group
Workers group (inc.union, syndicate, etc.)
Multi-organisational field (collaboration, allies) : 
Mode of Action: 
Road blockade
Reform (advocating for limited change in political, socio-economic etc.)
Cause/ Grievances/ Framing CA: 
Access to socio-eco rights
Policy Grievances
Spatial characteristics: 
Location on the Lebanese territory
State response: 


Village Name: 
Local Name: 
Tripoli Zeitoun
Associated HRV: