Collective Action

Parents of Lebanese students studying in Ukraine stage a sit-in in Tripoli calling for authorities to save their children

وطنية - طرابلس - اعتصم اهالي الطلاب اللبنانيين في أوكرانيا، عند ساحة عبد الحميد كرامي في طرابلس، "للمطالبة بانقاذ ابنائهم من اتون الحرب التي تدور بين روسيا واوكرانيا". وناشدوا "المجتمع الدولي انقاذ ابنائهم بعدما فقدوا الامل من مناشدة الدولة". وقال فادي ملحم باسم الاهالي: "ان الارقام التي اعطيت للجالية اللبنانية في اوكرانيا كلها مغلقة او ملغاة، والطلاب باتوا مشردين في ملاجئ الميترو، وبعضهم انقطع الاتصال معهم".

The parents of Lebanese students studying in Ukraine held a sit-in Friday in al-Nour square in Tripoli calling for authorities to “save our children.” The sit-in took place on the second day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine as many Lebanese students studying in Ukraine have found themselves stuck in the middle of a war zone. According to the National News Agency, the protestors chanted "save our children from the hell of the war between Russia and Ukraine” and called on the international community to save the students, saying they had lost hope that the Lebanese state would evacuate the students.

February 25, 2022
Actors/ Mobilising structures: 
Clan member
Multi-organisational field (collaboration, allies) : 
Mode of Action: 
Demands for rights/services
Cause/ Grievances/ Framing CA: 
Injustice/Perceived injustice
Spatial characteristics: 
Location on the Lebanese territory
One off
State response: 
Procedural action


Village Name: 
Local Name: 
Tripoli Zeitoun
Associated HRV: