Collective Action

Ekhwa Initiative is gathering donations to help NGOs who are active in the relief efforts following the Beirut port explosion

“It is by helping others, that we, as a whole, can stay strong and resistant against any difficulty that might come our way.”
And when we come together in order to help -each to their own capabilities, and each to their own time and will- we will be contributing to “Ekhwa”, an association that has a goal of providing support and consistency for the currently-working associations. Today, we, as brothers and sisters, have decided to start the initiative of supplying financial aid to not one, but four associations that will be needing more and more help, assistance and support each day. Whatever its is the amount of money that you are willing to contribute with, YOU will be making a difference, and helping the ones in need.

"سر الصمود ، التعاون"
ولما سوا منتساعد ، كل واحد حسب قدرته، وقته و طاقته منحقق هدف مبادرة " اخوة" و الي هدفا خلق إستمرارية للجمعيات الفاعلة على الارض!
اليوم نحن كإخوة قررنا نحط صناديق تبرع بكل أنحاء لبنان حتى كل واحد فينا يساهم يمكن بمبلغ قليل بس عم يعمل فرق !

١-بعض الأماكن المذكورة اسبوع المقبل لنوضع فيها الصناديق:
٢- جمعية دفى ما بتستلم مصاري لهيك بالمبلغ يللي رح يطلعلها من التبرعات رح نكون عم نحاول نأمن المستلزمات اللازمة

August 15, 2020
Actors/ Mobilising structures: 
Multi-organisational field (collaboration, allies) : 
Mode of Action: 
Online campaign
Support of a cause
Cause/ Grievances/ Framing CA: 
Injustice/Perceived injustice
Spatial characteristics: 
Location on the Lebanese territory
State response: 


Village Name: 
Local Name: 
Associated HRV: