Collective Action

Banque du Liban employees strike and stage a sit-in inside BDL headquarters to protest legal proceedings and accusations against the central bank and its staff

Employees for Banque du Liban held a rally inside BDL headquarters on Tuesday as part of their strike to protest against the lawsuits and charges against the central bank and its staff. "This new strike is taking place because of the attack on our dignity, which we will not accept," the head of BDL Employees’ Union said during the rally. He also criticized the fact that "employees [of BDL] are summoned to an investigation carried out as if they were criminals.” The union estimates that the number of BDL employees on strike are around 800 employees, which represents almost all of the staff apart from some employees in charge of daily technical maintenance. This one-day mobilization aims to protest against the "legal proceedings and accusations" against the central bank and its staff, the union said yesterday.

Four former vice presidents of BDL, the former Director of the Finance Ministry, Alain Bifani, as well as other employees of the central bank and the auditing firm Deloitte, which had audited the central bank in 2018, were targeted by new measures from Mount Lebanon Prosecutor Judge Ghada Aoun. Last Wednesday, the magistrate accompanied a State Security patrol in a search of the governor's villa in Rabieh in which he was not found.

وطنية - اعلنت نقابة موظفي مصرف لبنان في بيان انها "عقدت قبل ظهر اليوم  جمعية عمومية للتشاور واتخاذ القرار المناسب بخصوص الملاحقات القضائية والادعاءات التي تتعرض لها مؤسسة مصرف لبنان وموظفيها. وبناء على التداول والتشاور، وحرصا على المصلحة العامة ولتامين الرواتب والاجور للقطاع العام في اخر الشهر. قررت الجمعية العمومية، وبالاجماع اعلان اضراب تحذيري واقفال ليوم واحد نهار الثلاثاء الواقع فيه 28 حزيران 2022 ودعوة الموظفين لتنفيذ وقفة احتجاجية عند الساعة الحادية عشرة صباحا في باحة المركز الرئيسي في بيروت من اجل مناشدة المعنيين لمعالجة الوضع الظالم الذي يتعرض له مصرف لبنان وتجنبا للتصعيد في المرحلة المقبلة. كما وفوضت الجمعية العمومية مجلس النقابة اتخاذ الخطوات اللازمة ومتابعة المسار القضائي مع الجهات المختصة".

June 28, 2022
Actors/ Mobilising structures: 
Workers group (inc.union, syndicate, etc.)
Multi-organisational field (collaboration, allies) : 
Mode of Action: 
Protest of a policy/ governmental measure/ etc.
Cause/ Grievances/ Framing CA: 
Policy Grievances
Spatial characteristics: 
Location on the Lebanese territory
One off
State response: 


Village Name: 
El Hamra
Local Name: 
Ras Beyrouth