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Map of Collective Actions in Lebanon
Publication Date: 2017
The collective action mapping developed by the Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action tracks mobilisations across Lebanon by groups of people whose goal is to achieve a common objective.
- The map is continuously updated.
- Each mapped collective action is based on a typology devised by the CeSSRA.
- The objective of the map is to explore collective actions by providing accurate data and relevant information on mobilisations happening on the territory.
Data collection for this mapping is done by the Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action.
Information sources: Media reports, NGO reports, aid actors reports, as well as first-hand data collected by the CeSSRA team.
Period covered by data collection: November 29th, 2017 - till present.
Tips for using our map:
- To get the most out of our map, make sure to read the map legend, and our typology below.
- To view a collective action that took place in a specific location, first, find the location on the map by clicking on the relevant cluster. Then, you can click on the individual marker to explore the collective action.
- If more than one collective action took place in the exact same location, you can click on the individual marker, and use the arrows and numbers at the bottom of the pop up box to explore the various collective actions mapped in this location.
- Collective Actions with no identified location (such as online campaigns) will be mapped in the capital, Beirut.
- Our filters above can help you find collective actions by location, actor, mode of action, objective, grievance, date, and more. At least one filter must be used for a search.

Individual collective action marker
Individual collective actions are marked at their location. Some collective actions occur over a number of days and may have a prolonged time frame. This is notably relevant for strikes, sit-ins, and online campaigns.

Click on the individual marker to see a pop-up box giving a brief summary of the collective action, with its type. For a longer description of the event, click on the event’s title at the top of the description box.
A cluster is a grouping of collective action markers. Cluster marker colors indicate the number of collective action grouped within that cluster.
If more than one collective action took place in the exact same location, you can click on the individual marker, and use the arrows and numbers at the bottom of the pop up box to explore the many collective actions mapped in this location.

The color of the cluster changes based on the average of maximum and minimum of all collective actions clusters shown on the map.

Corporate Grievances
Policy Grievances
Mobilisations associated with corporate decisions or companies’ policies, regarding matters of public or private concerns.
Mobilisations associated with political decisions, government, or state policies regarding matters of public concern, such as debates concerning law reforms, electoral laws, among others.
Injustice/Perceived Injustice
Access to Socio-Economic Rights
Mobilisations associated with unjust treatment of different categories of people and individuals based on race, age, gender or sexuality, committed by the state, groups, and individuals.
Mobilisations related to a lack of protection and rights, inefficiency of the justice system, and persisting social and economic vulnerabilities.
Political Recognition & Inclusion
Mobilisations associated with political participation and representation.
Mobilisations denouncing the abuse of public resources and power for personal gain.