Title | Actors/Parties Involved | Description | Date of incident | Death toll | Number of Injured | Sources of Conflict | Security Incident Category |
Curfew restrictions on Syrian refugees in Shanay | Syrian Civilians/Refugees |
The municipality of Shanay put up a banner which says: "All Syrian brothers are banned from movement after 10:00 pm" |
Friday, June 7, 2013 | 0persons | 0persons | Restrictions on Residents [inc. curfews] | |
Clashes between LF forces and PSP continue |
January 11, 1983: Fighting on the Hadath-Kfarshima-Baabda front between the LF and PSP led to the killing of four civilians and wounding of 15. By January 15, the fighting had expanded to cover other parts in the Northern Metn areas and Aley (Shanay, Sharun, al-Mansourieh, Bhamdoun, Btater, Kfarniss, Rishmayya, and Broummana). |
Tuesday, January 11, 1983 to Saturday, January 15, 1983 | 4persons | 15persons | Clashes/Armed Conflict |