MENA Region

COVID-19 Vaccines: Is equity between North and South still possible?

The global supply of COVID-19 vaccines has been controlled by countries with financial and political means, leaving behind most of the world’s developing regions, including the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Almost 75 percent of the approximately 5 billion vaccine doses administered globally have been used by just 10 countries.[1]

Social justice in MENA | July 2021 bulletin - العدالة الإجتماعية في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا | نشرة تموز ٢٠٢١

A newsletter by Lebanon Support

Lebanon Support is a multidisciplinary space creating synergies and bridging between the scientific, practitioner, and policy spheres. Lebanon Support aims to foster social change through innovative uses of social science, digital technologies, and publication and exchange of knowledge.   

Latest publications from our centre on social justice | April 2021- آخر منشورات مركزنا حول العدالة الإجتماعية | نيسان ٢٠٢١

A newsletter by Lebanon Support

Lebanon Support is a multidisciplinary space creating synergies and bridging between researchers, experts, civil society and NGO practitioners, and activists. Lebanon Support aims to foster social change through innovative uses of social science, digital technologies, and publication and exchange of knowledge. 

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