Brawl between followers of Hezbollah and Future Movement
Brawl between followers of Hezbollah and Future Movement
وقع إشكال كبير بالقرب من ثانوية عمر فروخ في الطريق الجديدة، بين مناصرين من "تيار المستقبل" وآخرين من "حزب الله"، والجيش اللبناني والقوى الأمنية يعملون على ضبط الوضع.
A major brawl occurred near the Omar Farouk Secondary School in Tariq el-Jdide, between supporters of the Future Movement and others from Hezbollah. The Lebanese army and the security forces are working to control the situation.
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Acting bodies/ State apparatuses:
Internal Security Forces
Lebanese Armed Forces
Soft power (non-violent response)
Types of response:
Security deployments
Justification of response:
Containment of conflict incident