KAFA (Enough Violence and Exploitation)
Established in 2005 by a group of multi-disciplinary professionals and human rights activists, KAFA (enough) Violence & Exploitation is a Lebanese non-profit, non-political, non-confessional civil society organization committed to the achievement of gender-equality and non-discrimination, and the advancement of the human rights of women and children.
KAFA envisions a society where all its citizens live free of violence and exploitation and where they have equal access to opportunities and results and their human rights are respected, protected and enjoyed. KAFA believes that women’s and children’s rights are integral to this achievement and to building a free and fair society.
KAFA’s mission is to work towards eradicating all forms of gender-based violence and exploitation of women and children through advocating for legal reform and change of policies and practices, influencing public opinion, and empowering women and children. Our focus areas are those of 1) Violence against Women 2) Child Sexual Abuse 3) Exploitation and Trafficking in Women 4) Socio-Legal Counseling.
KAFA combines in its work the various methods of lobbying, action-research, publication, training and awareness raising, and supporting the victims. Our work’s guiding principles are those of the universality of human rights and the participation and inclusion of all target groups and marginalized people in our endeavors.