New Wars, No Peace: January 2006– December 2008

Despite the withdrawal of the two foreign forces from Lebanon, the country continued to suffer from political violence and armed conflict. Israel carried out yet another full-fledged attack in the summer of 2006, which had devastating consequences on the country’s civilian population and infrastructure. This period also saw a three-month armed conflict in 2007 between the Lebanese Army and a Sunni militant group, Fatah al-Islam, based in a Palestinian refugee camp.

Foreign Presence and Withdrawals | January, 1991 to December, 2005

Publication Date: October, 2014

Lebanon emerged from war a shattered country, with its economy, infrastructure, education system, and state institutions gutted, and its people broken. The newly adopted Ta’if Agreement did not much to resolve deep-seated political problems. Lebanon’s sovereignty over its territory was deeply curtailed, with Israel and its proxy militia controlling South Lebanon, and Syria, with 30,000 troops and an undetermined number of security services, controlling much of the rest.

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