Collective Action
Students stage a sit-in in front of the Beirut Arab University in Beirut to protest tuition hikes and dollarisation of tuition
Dozens of students from the Beirut Arab University held a sit-in in front of the establishment's headquarters in Beirut to protest an administrative decision to increase academic fees and set an amount to be paid in dollars. According to the state-run National News Agency, the protesters chanted slogans against the university administration's decision, stressing their "refusal to pay in dollars in view of the deterioration of socio-economic conditions" in the country. The administration had demanded that additional costs related to operational expenses be paid in dollars.
وطنية - افاد مندوب "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام" ان العشرات من طلاب جامعة بيروت العربية، ينفذون اعتصاما امام مدخل الجامعة في الطريق الجديدة في بيروت، رفضا لقرار الادارة رفع الاقساط وتحديد رسوم اضافية للنفقات التشغيلية بالدولار النقدي. واطلق المعتصمون الهتافات المنددة بقرارات ادارة الجامعة، مؤكدين "رفضهم الدفع بالدولار في ظل الاوضاع المعيشية والاقتصادية المتردية".