Collective Action
Private hospitals owners and emloyees protested outside the Health Ministry to demand the payment of overdue funds
Owners and employees of private hospitals in Lebanon Friday protested outside the Health Ministry to demand that the state pay back an estimated $1.3 billion it owes them to help prevent a further decline in the health care services the hospitals are able to offer.The head of the Syndicate of Private Hospitals, Suleiman Haroun, noted the “huge” debt owed to the private hospitals by the government and public bodies such as the National Social Security Fund and military health funds, some of which date back “many years.”Health Minister Jamil Jabak joined the protesters outside the ministry, saying he was working with the Finance Ministry to ensure that outstanding funds are paid.
June 21, 2019
Actors/ Mobilising structures:
Workers group (inc.union, syndicate, etc.)
Multi-organisational field (collaboration, allies) :
Mode of Action:
Demands for rights/services
Cause/ Grievances/ Framing CA:
Corporate grievances
Spatial characteristics:
Location on the Lebanese territory
State response: