Sara, an Ethiopian woman, was admitted by her agency owner to the mental health section of Dal al-Ajaza’s hospital. She met some Ethiopian members of the Migrant Community Centre (MCC) in 2016 and told them that while she was arguing with the owner of the agency who brought her to Lebanon, he pushed her to a wall and her head started bleeding heavily. He then took her to the Dar al-Ajaza hospital and told them that she was “crazy” and that they should admit her. Apparently, there are deals made between some recruitment agencies and places like Dar al-Ajaza in order to “get rid” of abused migrant workers and keep them out of sight. When she was admitted there, she realised there were at least 2 other migrant workers who are there without a clue on why or till when. The MCC, along with Sara’s friends, were unable to follow up on what happened to her since, due to the hospital’s restrictions, lack of support from others, and after several failed attempts at locating and meeting the agency owner who had admitted her.