Nahr el-Bared Statistical Report 2009

This report aims to provide statistical and analytical tools for the recovery community working in North Lebanon, specifically those working with the Nahr el-Bared displaced and returnee population. The information will allow for better assessment of current needs and gaps, which will eventually support the development of appropriate strategies of intervention on both the short and long term.
Additionally, it shed light on persistent vulnerabilities, which are not a direct cause of the Nahr el-Bared crisis, but have contributed considerably to the general trend of slow recovery. Knowing that Nahr el Bared’s community is still in the recovery phase since autonomy and economic self suf ciency haven’t been achieved.
The report is divided into eight main sections, which are considered to be the most relevant to the recovery community in Nahr el-Bared, and are salient to development actors and policy makers: Displacement and Return; Demographic Composition of the Nahr El-Bared Population; Shelter Characteristics; Access and Costs of Services; Health Characteristics; Characteristics of Education; Work and Employment; The situation of small and medium businesses in NBC Adjacent Area.