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Roukaya shot in the chest by her husband

Information Systems: 
Gender Rights Information System (GRIS)
Reporter: kafa
Date of incident: 
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Name of victim: 
Roukayya Monzer
Victim's age: 
Victim's Gender: 
Type of violence: 
Femicide (killing of women)
Additional notes regarding perpetrator's relation to victim : 
Victim's marital status: 
Victim's population group: 
Lebanese Citizen
Location's classification: 
Home/Private location
Perpetrator's Name(s) (If available): 
Mohamad Monzer
Detailed description of violation: 

NGO reports another domestic violence death

Rouqaya Mounzer was allegedly shot in the chest by her husband Wednesday night, said Maya Ammar, communications officer at KAFA. It is not known whether she died immediately or at the hospital.

Mounzer, 24, lived in Beirut’s southern suburbs with her husband, identified as M.M., and their two young children. She had been married for seven years, according to Ammar.

“It was most probably her husband [who killed her],” she told The Daily Star. “It was known that he was violent with her.”

Mounzer’s husband was arrested Wednesday after the incident and is being interrogated by the authorities.

“The coroner wrote a very quick report,” Ammar said.

The report did not mention bruises that were visible on her body, which were more apparent around her neck and body once it was washed, the organization claimed.

This prompted her family to demand that the public prosecutor conduct another autopsy.

Forensic experts have not yet issued a report.

Mounzer has always had very “restricted movement,” Ammar said, and her parents were not allowed to see her often, which isolated her from a support system.

Mounzer’s death comes weeks after hundreds marched in Beirut to mark International Women’s Day, calling for the adoption of a draft law to protect women from domestic violence.

This is the third such case in Lebanon this year, and the fourth counting Lebanese Margaret Tannous, whose husband George turned himself in after he reportedly killed her in Sydney, Australia, in February.

That same month, Manal al-Assi, a teacher, died in a Beirut hospital due to injuries she suffered when her husband allegedly beat her repeatedly with a pressure cooker. Also in February, Christelle Abu Shaqra was reportedly poisoned to death by her husband in the Beirut suburb of Ain al-Rummaneh.

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قتل رقية برصاصة لأنها طالبته بالطلاق

مختار نيوز
رفع محمد حسن منذر(27 عاماً) منتصف ليل الأربعاء الماضي مسدسه وأطلق الرصاص على زوجته رقية أسعد منذر(24 عاماً) الحامل بجنينها، البالغ من العمر شهراً ونصف الشهر، لأنها طلبت الطلاق، احتجاجاً على الضرب المتكرر من قبله. الرصاصة أصابت صدرها، وخرقت ظهرها. ترك محمد زوجته على الأرض لمدة نصف ساعة، قبل أن يأتي والد زوجها ويأخذها إلى مستشفى الرسول الأعظم الكائنة قرب بيت المغدروة.

عند الساعة 12.30 منتصف ليل الأربعاء الماضي، حمل والد محمد منذر، رقية التي كانت تسكن في منطقة برج البراجنة، في نزلة محطة زين الدين، إلى المستشفى، وحاولوا اسعافها، لكنها كانت قد فارقت الحياة، بحسب ما أفاد مصدر طبي في مستشفى الرسول الأعظم في حديث إلى "مختار". وفي الوقت الذي تلى الجريمة، حمل القاتل محمد منذر ولديه حسن(5 سنوات) ورويدا(3 سنوات) وتوارى بهما عن الأنظار.


Village Name: 
Borj el Brajne
Local Name: 
Borge el Baragenat
Associated HRV: