Data from local centres - Najdeh

Publication Date: 2018

The below interactive graphs visualise data from Association Najdeh’s call centres in the camps of Borj el-Barajneh, Beddaoui, Bekaa, Chatila, Saida, Naher el-Bared and Tyre. Association Najdeh’s local centres have been active since 1978 and offer training, psychological support, preschool activities, as well as domestic violence prevention and intervention.

The data below focuses on reported cases relevant to gender-based violence. Explore the data by hovering over the graphs and clicking on the legend. You can also select the year and/or location of the data visualised.

Type of violence reported by sex

Select or unselect each variable in the legend below to compare the data trends.

Type of violence by age range

Select or unselect each variable in the legend below to compare the data trends.

Number of reported cases by nationality

Select or unselect each variable in the legend below to compare the data trends.