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Mapping of migrant domestic workers' deaths
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Home > Thematic pojects > Gender Equity Network > Mapping of migrant domestic workers' deaths > A Nepalese worker dies strangulated
A Nepalese worker dies strangulated
Name of domestic worker:
Shanta Baribar
Date of death:
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Cause of death:
Location's classification:
Home/Private location
Nepalese maid dies, strangulated?
Al-Akhbar newspaper reported today that a Nepalese migrant domestic workers, Shanta Baribar (or Paripar) was found dead, hanging from an electrical wire (or strangulated with an electrical wire; the word used by Al-Akbar can mean hanging or strangulated) in Ballouneh inside the house of Joseph A. where she works. Reasons and circumstances of death are unknown. Al-Akhbar does not use the word "suicide".
وفاة عاملة نيباليّة شنقاً
عُثر على العاملة النيبالية شانتا باريبار مشنوقة بواسطة سلك كهربائي في منطقة بلونة داخل منزل جوزف أ. حيث تعمل، ولم تُعرف الأسباب.
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