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Mapping of migrant domestic workers' deaths

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Ethiopian maid drank a detergent and died

Name of domestic worker: 
Betlehim Sh.
Date of death: 
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Cause of death: 
Location's classification: 
Home/Private location

Ethiopian maid drank detergent last Monday, died (Al-Akhbar newspaper)

An Ethiopian maid, Betlehim Sh., died at the house of her employer M. M. who is the head of a municipality in Northern Maten (Mount Lebanon). Security reports indicated that she was taken to hospital last Monday after drinking a quantity of "Eau de Javel" detergent and died at 6:30 in the evening of the same day.

Below is the 2 line reporting of Al-Akhbar today:

وفاة عاملة إثيوبية في منزل رئيس بلدية

نشرت تقارير أمنية خبراً جاء فيه أن م.م. وهو رئيس بلدية في المتن الشمالي أفاد أن بتلهيم ش.، وهي إثيوبية تعمل في منزله، نُقلت يوم الاثنين الماضي إلى المستشفى بعدما تناولت جرعة من مادة «أو دو