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Woman sexually harassed in Beirut

Information Systems: 
Gender Rights Information System (GRIS)
Reporter: sophie
Date of incident: 
Friday, October 1, 2010
Location's classification: 
Public Location
Perpetrator's Name(s) (If available): 
A male stranger
Text description of location: 
Beirut, Mar Mikhael
Detailed description of violation: 

It was 11:30, nearly mid-day. I was on my way to pick up my daughter from school. There was a jittery looking fellow ahead of me, pacing. He was probably in his early 20s, a tight-jeans, greased-hair kind of guy. As I walked past him, he slapped my butt. Without even thinking about it I wheeled around and screamed at him. He was a little more than arm’s reach away when I yelled, and it startled him. It startled the drivers on the road and traffic halted. Since I’d acted without thinking and now found myself confronting this guy I decided to do the thing properly. I began shouting again. I had about two syllables out when he took off running to get away from me.