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Woman sexually harassed at ABC mall Ashrafieh

Information Systems: 
Gender Rights Information System (GRIS)
Reporter: sophie
Date of incident: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Location's classification: 
Public Location
Perpetrator's Name(s) (If available): 
male strangers
Text description of location: 
Beirut, ABC mall Ashafieh
Detailed description of violation: 

A 32-year-old mother of two was parked next to her parents’ house behind ABC mall in Ashrafieh about two months ago. It was sunset, and the streets were packed with cars. She stepped out of her car but realized she forgot something. As she was getting back in, she felt a hand between her legs. She quickly shoved the hand away and closed her door. She saw two men in a car, one of them hanging out of his window, reaching for her. She got so angry she turned on her Jeep and drove into them three times. The third time, the driver came out screaming. She told him, “Why don’t we call the police and tell them how this all got started?” He got back into his BMW and left.