Law amendment to the NSSF allowing the Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon (PRL) to benefit from end-of-service provision under NSSF [Law Decree no. 128/2010]
Friday, January 1, 2010
Access to NSSF benefits for non-Lebanese persons is subject to the reciprocity principle: only citizens of countries who give access to social security schemes to Lebanese can access the NSSF in Lebanon. PRL were long-excluded from access to NSSF benefits, as the reciprocity principle could not be applied in their case. The law amendment gave the PRL the right to benefit from the NSSF end-of-service provision, but they are still deprived from other benefits offered by the NSSF, including health insurance; sickness and maternity benefits; non-work related death; maternity leave; and partial inability to work linked to sickness.