Issuance of Law no. 293 for the Protection of Women and Family Members from Domestic Violence
Date of Mouvement:
January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014
15 May 2014 – Thanks to the lobbying and persistent efforts of women’s organisations and activists, a law criminalising domestic violence, and promoting the protection of women and family members from it, was issued. Prior to the issuance of this law, domestic violence was not penalised. According to reports from the Internal Security in Lebanon, 3,811 crime of sexual violence took place in the year 2014 alone. The law originally targeted women in Lebanon, who were the main victims of such crimes. However, confessional and political leaders extended the mandate of the law to include men and children in the family (excluding men outside the family as a social unit, which leaves out boyfriends and other male figures/friends).
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