Getting by on your own. Scarce social security and healthcare rights in crisis-ridden Lebanon
This infographic is based on a nationally representative survey conducted between July and September 2022 by the CeSSRA on access to social protection in Lebanon. The survey aimed to understand current social protection mechanisms in Lebanon, notably the predominant contributory schemes amid the severe and prolonged economic depression, as well as the practical and current challenges faced by those enrolled in the system.
The effective sample size was 1,327 respondents from Lebanese nationality, geographically distributed across 26 districts (Caza) scattered in the 8 governorates (Beirut, Mount Lebanon, North Lebanon, Akkar, Bekaa, Baalbek-Hermel, South Lebanon, and Nabatieh). The sample ensured a gender-balance, with 49.4% of female respondents out of the total number of respondents.
The data shows that while 39.6% of survey respondents have no access to any form of social security and medical coverage through public institutions nor private companies, the proportion of Lebanese population who can benefit from an almost-full medical coverage does not exceed 16% of the overall population.
Getting by on your own. Scarce social security and healthcare rights in crisis-ridden Lebanon

Valerie Nseir, Léa Yammine