Focus on mobilisations and collective actions in Lebanon
These two info-graphics analyse mobilisations in Lebanon that have been mapped by Lebanon Support since the launch of the Conflict Mapping & Analysis project in June 2014 until the 30th of May 2015. The first visual looks into the classifications of these collective actions and their distribution per district, as well as the mode of action adopted or type of collective action. It clearly shows how mobilisations are linked to broader social issues, away from confessionalism clichés. Forty-one of collective actions mapped during this period have occured in five cities: Beirut Central District, Corniche el-Nahr, Qalamoun, Saida, and Tripoli, with the BCD taking the biggest part with 14% of the total number of collective actions. The second visual focuses on mobilisations in these five cities, and allows a comparison between the classification of conflicts and types of action. (Click on the image to zoom in)
What mobilises Lebanon? A geo-located mapping of collective actions

Information architecture and design by Diala Lteif and Patil Tchilinguirian
The landscape of collective action in Lebanon

Information architecture and design by Diala Lteif and Patil Tchilinguirian