Collective Action 2nd Half 2017

Beirut witnessed by far the highest intensity of conflictivity in the Collective Action dimension. This caza alone concentrated 34% of the mobilisations. 61% of these incidents were classified as Conflicts of Socio-Economic Development either relevant to taxes and fiscal policies or EDL workers protests. EDL workers have indeed been continuously rallying for the past couple of years demanding full-time employment among other grievances that would improve their socio-economic situation. Although, their protests were less frequent in 2017 due to the ongoing negotiations at state level to implement a salary scale that would improve their conditions, at the end of 2017, they took to the streets again after the state’s failure to address their concerns.
Most of the Collective Actions in Saida, which witnessed the second highest level of conflictivity in this dimension, involved Palestinian civilians protesting against Trump’s decision to move US Embassy to Jerusalem, but also refugees in Ain el-Helweh camp demanding compensation for their losses during previous clashes that took place in the camp.
Baabda, Aley, Kesrouan, Tripoli and Minieh-Dinieh, all witnessed an intermediate level of conflictivity in the Collective Action dimension. While in the North, the cause of grievances were diversified with mobilisations relevant to Policy decisions or Social Discrimination Conflicts among others, in Mount Lebanon area, the protests were mainly related to Conflicts of Socio-Economic Development such as the increase of tuitions fees for school, unpaid wages etc. (Explore collective actions in more depth on our “Map of collective actions in Lebanon”).