Bahithat - Lebanese Association of Women Researchers
Type of organisation: Collective
Goal/Objective: The principal aims of the Association are to bring women researchers into contact with one another, to support and promote the research of its members, to protect their rights, to encourage young women researchers in finding their way, and to provide a forum for intellectual exchange.
Area of focus: Feminist thought and experiences, Gender Equity
Sector of intervention: Awareness raising and sensitisation, Social development
Approach: Research & documentation
Target population:
Researchers (specifically women researchers), academics, and experts
(1) New volume of Bahithat: Bahithat XVII, 2015-2016 Working Title: The Question of Time in our Era.
(2) The third International Conference on “What a Story: Children’s Literature Today”.
(3) مشروع عين الشباب "مسارات المسرحين الشباب العرب الفكرية والفنية في زمن التحولات "
Funding structure: Membership fees, National funds and grants