2019: Reform proposals for a Social Protection Floor
In accordance with the 2016-2020 Economic and Social Development Plan, the Ministry of Social Affairs commissioned a series of studies to reform the social protection system and introduce a National Social Protection Platform. The recommendations were formulated by the Centre de Recherche Economiques et Sociales commissioned by MoSA to design a Social Protection Floor (CRES and MoSA 2019). The establishment of a Social Protection Floor aims at ensuring access to universal healthcare for low-income households, and at introducing a minimum income for those who do not benefit from other assistance programmes (PNAFN, AMG). It also aims to provide an income for the elderly, persons with disabilities, and children. Concerning the latter, the Tunisian government is considering the adoption of a Tunisia Child Benefit (In French: Allocation Tunisienne pour Enfants) in order to reach a universal social protection coverage. While the poverty rates in 2016 were much higher for children than for adults (21.1% and 12.8%, respectively), only about 40% of the children nationwide benefit from any social protection benefits. The PNAFN allowance for children benefits only 2% of Tunisian children, while family allowances offered through the contributory system only benefit 38% of the total children population (MoSA, Unicef, CRES 2019).