1973: Collective bargaining agreement framework by decree of the Social Affairs Ministry [Decree of 29 May 1973]

Tuesday, May 29, 1973

Under Hedi Nouira’s government (1970-1980), a collective bargaining agreement framework was signed between the main workers’ trade union (the UGTT) and the main employers’ syndicate (UTICA). It was intended to ensure “the development of economic production and a fair distribution of national income guaranteeing the improvement of the workers’ standard of living and their working conditions” (Preambule to the Convention 1973). In particular, it aimed at determining the wages of workers on a conventional basis, rationalising the development of vocational training, extending paid annual leave, developing occupational health and safety coverage, extending social benefits through the creation or improvement of schemes covering different social risks, such as old age, invalidity, sickness, and death. The first sectoral bargaining agreements were signed in 1974 in the textile, cardboard, and paper sectors. From 1975 onwards, several other agreements were signed in a number of productive sectors such as building and construction, oil and tourism, plastics, food industry (milk, flour-milling, canning, pasta), craft industry (footwear, leather, clothing) and distributive trades (wholesale, semi-wholesale, and retail trade).