16 January 2019: Creation of the “Amen Social” (“Social Safety” in Arabic) programme for the promotion of vulnerable and low-income groups [Law No. 2019-10 of 2019]
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
The Amen Social programme targets the poor and low-income groups, and is intended to expand the coverage of the existing social assistance programmes to qualifying households, while providing a converging legal framework. It integrates the PNAFN and AMG mechanisms, and targets 900,000 households (30% of the population), which are selected through Proxy Means Test procedures. It aims at ensuring a minimum income and basic services such as healthcare, education, vocational training, employment opportunities, housing, and transport to the selected population. A governmental decree was issued for the creation of a National Agency for Integration and Social Development, in which all state programmes to fight poverty are meant to merge.