Collective Action
Press editors protest against sector reality
Lebanon's journalists, media workers, photographers and art directors responded to the call by the Lebanese Press Editors Syndicate to hold a sit-in in the Martyrs Square this "in protest against the reality in which their sector is lying, and to uphold their threatened profession."The Director-General of the Ministry of Information, Hassan Falha, stood in solidarity with the protestors, blaming the current media reality on “everyone without exception”."
August 20, 2019
Actors/ Mobilising structures:
Workers group (inc.union, syndicate, etc.)
Multi-organisational field (collaboration, allies) :
Labor Union / Syndicate
Mode of Action:
Demands for rights/services
Reform (advocating for limited change in political, socio-economic etc.)
Cause/ Grievances/ Framing CA:
Access to socio-eco rights
Spatial characteristics:
Location on the Lebanese territory
State response: