Collective Action

Ansar residents stage a sit-in in front of the courthouse in Beirut to demand the death penalty for two men suspected of murdering a woman and her three daughters

During a sit-in in front of the courthouse in Beirut, residents of Ansar village, South Lebanon, called for the two men suspected of being involved in the murder of a woman and her three daughters in late March to be sentenced to death. The two suspects, Hussein F. and Hassan Gh., were being questioned by the first investigating judge in Beirut, Charbel Abu Samra, yesterday. After disappearing for 25 days, the lifeless bodies of Bassima Abbas and her daughters Rima, Tala and Mana, aged 16 to 22, were found in a cave in an orchard. The alleged murderer, Hussein F., 36, admitted to abducting and killing the four women with a Syrian accomplice. The motive for this tragedy that shook the country remains unknown. Since 2004, there has been a moratorium on the application of the death penalty in Lebanon.

June 7, 2022
Actors/ Mobilising structures: 
Collective / informal group
Multi-organisational field (collaboration, allies) : 
Mode of Action: 
Demands for rights/services
Cause/ Grievances/ Framing CA: 
Injustice/Perceived injustice
Spatial characteristics: 
Location on the Lebanese territory
One off
State response: 


Village Name: 
Palais De Justice
Local Name: 