Mapping of Collective Actions in Tunisia

Publication Date: 2019

The mapping of collective actions in Tunisia tracks mobilisations by groups of people whose goal is to achieve a common objective.

Each mapped collective action is based on a typology devised by the Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action.

The objective of this database is to explore collective actions by providing accurate data and relevant information on mobilisations happening in the country.

Explore the interactive charts below the table.

Data collection for this mapping is done by the CeSSRA team.

Information sources: Media reports, NGO reports, aid actors reports, as well as first-hand data collected by the CeSSRA team.

Period covered by data collection: December 23rd, 2019 - till present.

Displaying 41 - 50 of 824
Title Actors / Mobilising structures Cause/ Grievances/ Framing CA Mode of action Objective State response Location Country Datesort ascending
"Journalists of La Presse Tunisie, Assabah Tunisie, Radio Shems Fm and Cactus Prod stage an open sit-in at the Kasbah Square, backed by General Media Union, to claim their unpaid salaries and protest government handling of a media file." Workers group: Union / Syndicate Access to socio-eco rights: Labour rights Sit-in Protest of a policy / Governmental measure N/A Kasbah Tunisia November 17, 2022
Citizens, trade unionists, and civil society members stage a sit-in outside the seat of the Sfax governorate, on the call of the local labor union to protest the deteriorating environmental situation in the region. CSO Access to socio-eco rights: Environmental rights and services Sit-in Support of a cause N/A Sfax Tunisia November 17, 2022
Popular tension has mounted in the city of Sfax, amid the absence of "acceptable" solutions to the crisis of household waste persisting since September 2021, as waste burning by citizens has multiplied despite warnings of the health hazards it causes. Affected group (inc. NIMBY) Access to socio-eco rights: Social security and protection Civil disobedience Demands for rights / Services N/A Sfax Tunisia November 16, 2022
Parents of primary school students in Soliman's delegation staged a sit-in inside the delegation due to their children's inability to obtain a proper education. Affected group (inc. NIMBY) Access to socio-eco rights: Basic rights / Services / Infrastructure Sit-in Demands for rights / Services N/A Soliman Tunisia November 15, 2022
Contracted teachers stage a protest in Tozeur, Siliana, and Kairouan by storming local education authorities and blocking roads, prompting the police to intervene resulting in clashes. Workers group: School teachers / University professors Access to socio-eco rights: Labour rights Road blockade Demands for rights / Services Repression Tozeur, Siliana, Kairouan Tunisia November 14, 2022
Teachers stage a sit-in against the lack of response to their rights and demands. Workers group: School teachers / University professors Access to socio-eco rights: Labour rights Sit-in Demands for rights / Services Repression Nabeul Tunisia November 14, 2022
Lawyers, notaries of testimony, notaries of execution, experts, local organizations, and activists from civil society, stage a sit-in on Djerba island in front of the district court, demanding the implementation of Order No. 354 of the year 2019 related t Workers group: Union / Syndicate Other Sit-in Protest of a policy / Governmental measure N/A Djerba Island Tunisia November 14, 2022
Families in a continuous sit-in over those missing in illegal immigration shipwreck Affected group (inc. NIMBY) Access to socio-eco rights: Social security and protection Sit-in Support of a cause N/A Zarzis Tunisia November 11, 2022
Teachers and holders of education degrees organized a march to express their rejection of the contracting formula proposed by the Ministry of Education Workers group: School teachers / University professors Access to socio-eco rights: Labour rights March Protest of a policy / Governmental measure N/A Ministry of Education Tunisia November 10, 2022
The union coordination of individual taxi drivers of the Al-Araf organization stages a sit-in in front of the government building in Kasbah city in protest of order number 2220, which deals with the issuance of individual taxi licenses. Workers group: Union / Syndicate Access to socio-eco rights: Labour rights Sit-in Protest of a policy / Governmental measure Procedural action Kasbah Tunisia November 8, 2022


Actors / Mobilising Structures Chart

Cause / Grievances / Framing CA Chart

Mode of Action Chart