Mapping of Collective Actions in Tunisia

Publication Date: 2019

The mapping of collective actions in Tunisia tracks mobilisations by groups of people whose goal is to achieve a common objective.

Each mapped collective action is based on a typology devised by the Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action.

The objective of this database is to explore collective actions by providing accurate data and relevant information on mobilisations happening in the country.

Explore the interactive charts below the table.

Data collection for this mapping is done by the CeSSRA team.

Information sources: Media reports, NGO reports, aid actors reports, as well as first-hand data collected by the CeSSRA team.

Period covered by data collection: December 23rd, 2019 - till present.

Displaying 101 - 110 of 824
Title Actors / Mobilising structures Cause/ Grievances/ Framing CA Mode of action Objective State response Locationsort ascending Country Date
Workers' Party members stage a sit-in in Avenue Habib Bourguiba, despite the Governor's announcement of a ban on demonstrations in the street, to denounce the national consultation, the poor political and economic conditions and the arrests of journalists Political Party Policy grievances Sit-in Reform (advocating for limited change in political; socio-economic...), Protest of a policy / Governmental measure N/A Tunis Tunisia March 19, 2022
On the 11th anniversary of the revolution, ''Citizens against the Coup' stage a sit-in in Habib Bourguiba street against the measures taken by President Saied on July 25 and on September 22, and extended on December 13 Collective / Informal group, Political Party, CSO Policy grievances Sit-in Revolutionary (seeking radical change across society / political system) Repression Tunis Tunisia December 17, 2021
National Statistics Institute employees stage a sit-in outside the Ministry of Economy and Planning to demand their labour rights and better working conditions Workers group: Union / Syndicate, Workers group: Public Sector Policy grievances, Access to socio-eco rights: Labour rights Sit-in Reform (advocating for limited change in political; socio-economic...) N/A Tunis Tunisia February 7, 2022
Tunisian Union of Agriculture organises a sit-in to protest the government's procrastination in addressing their demands to restructure the union and the sector Workers group: Union / Syndicate, Workers group: Agriculture workers Policy grievances, Access to socio-eco rights: Labour rights Sit-in Reform (advocating for limited change in political; socio-economic...) N/A Tunis Tunisia May 12, 2022
Protesters demonstrate outside the Ministry of Transportation to denounce the inaction of the state regarding high tariffs set by taxis which use applications Collective / Informal group Policy grievances, Access to socio-eco rights: Basic rights / Services / Infrastructure Demonstration Demands for rights / Services N/A Tunis Tunisia July 17, 2022
Protesters held a demonstration to denounce the arrest of activist Hamza Nasri and other activists detained during the recent protests movement Collective / Informal group, CSO Access to socio-eco rights: Freedom of expression and assembly Demonstration Protest of a policy / Governmental measure N/A Tunis Tunisia January 21, 2021
A protest stand of Al-Watad Party was held in front of the Palace of Justice Political Party Injustice / Perceived injustice Demonstration Support to political leader / Public figure N/A Tunis Tunisia March 22, 2021
General Federation of Textiles, Clothes, Leather and Shoes organises a sit-in outside the Ministry of Social Affairs to protest the government's inaction regarding working conditions in the sector Workers group: Union / Syndicate, Workers group: Other Policy grievances, Access to socio-eco rights: Labour rights Sit-in Reform (advocating for limited change in political; socio-economic...) N/A Tunis Tunisia June 22, 2022
LGBT activists and CSO in Tunisia protested, amidst hundreds of other demonstrators, against a draft law that would grant security forces legal immunity from prosecution for the use of force Collective / Informal group, CSO Policy grievances Demonstration Protest of a policy / Governmental measure Repression Tunis Tunisia October 6, 2020
Ennahda supporters organized a march in Tunis to demand national unity and political stability Political Party Policy grievances March Reform (advocating for limited change in political; socio-economic...) N/A Tunis Tunisia February 27, 2021


Actors / Mobilising Structures Chart

Cause / Grievances / Framing CA Chart

Mode of Action Chart