Mapping of Collective Actions in Tunisia

Publication Date: 2019

The mapping of collective actions in Tunisia tracks mobilisations by groups of people whose goal is to achieve a common objective.

Each mapped collective action is based on a typology devised by the Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action.

The objective of this database is to explore collective actions by providing accurate data and relevant information on mobilisations happening in the country.

Explore the interactive charts below the table.

Data collection for this mapping is done by the CeSSRA team.

Information sources: Media reports, NGO reports, aid actors reports, as well as first-hand data collected by the CeSSRA team.

Period covered by data collection: December 23rd, 2019 - till present.

Displaying 741 - 750 of 824
Title Actors / Mobilising structures Cause/ Grievances/ Framing CA Mode of action Objective State response Locationsort descending Country Date
Parliament executives protest denouncing the practice of Free Destourian Party leader Abir Moussa Workers group: Public Sector Injustice / Perceived injustice Demonstration Protest of a public statement / Public representation N/A Tunis Tunisia March 19, 2021
Supporters of Ennahdha party, "Citizens against the Coup" movement, the "National Salvation Front" & several other political parties stage a sit-in against President Saied at Habib Bourguiba Avenue and demand his departure Collective / Informal group, Political Party Policy grievances Sit-in Revolutionary (seeking radical change across society / political system) N/A Tunis Tunisia May 15, 2022
Free Destourian Party activists stage a sit-in outside Tunis governorate headquarters against the July 25 Referendum Political Party Policy grievances Sit-in Protest of a policy / Governmental measure N/A Tunis Tunisia July 23, 2022
Free Constitutional Party stages a sit-in outside the Ministry of Communication Technologies to protest digital consultation to come, data breach and disregard for public interest Political Party Policy grievances Sit-in Protest of a policy / Governmental measure N/A Tunis Tunisia February 12, 2022
A solidarity protest was held in support of cattle farmers from the town of Olad Jaballah in the Mahdia governorate Collective / Informal group Access to socio-eco rights: Labour rights Demonstration Support of a cause Legislation Tunis Tunisia February 19, 2021
Journalists stage a sit-in outside the National Syndicate of Tunisian Journalists in Tunis to denounce the assassination of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh by the Israeli occupation forces Workers group: Other Regional / Political grievances Sit-in Support to political leader / Public figure N/A Tunis Tunisia May 11, 2022
Demonstrators in Tunis protest outside the municipal theatre against the obligation to be vaccinated and to present a health pass to access public spaces. Collective / Informal group Injustice / Perceived injustice Demonstration Protest of a policy / Governmental measure N/A Tunis Tunisia January 8, 2022
Employees of the Tunis Transport Company stage an open-ended strike until their demands are met. Workers group: Other Access to socio-eco rights: Labour rights Strike / Strike announcement Demands for rights / Services N/A Tunis Tunisia January 2, 2023
The wounded of the revolution and families of martyrs and wounded of the revolution start an open-ended sit-in outside the Tunisian League for the Defense of Human Rights to demand to accelerate the application of Decree No. 97 Affected group (inc. NIMBY) Injustice / Perceived injustice Sit-in Support of a cause N/A Tunis Tunisia March 12, 2022
Several people demonstrated in front of the Prime Ministerìs office in downtown Tunis in support of Palestine Collective / Informal group Regional / Political grievances Demonstration Support of a cause N/A Tunis Tunisia May 11, 2021


Actors / Mobilising Structures Chart

Cause / Grievances / Framing CA Chart

Mode of Action Chart