Mapping of Collective Actions in Jordan

Publication Date: 2019

The mapping of collective actions in Jordan tracks mobilisations by groups of people whose goal is to achieve a common objective.

Each mapped collective action is based on a typology devised by the Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action.

The objective of this database is to explore collective actions by providing accurate data and relevant information on mobilisations happening in the country.

Explore the interactive charts below the table.

Data collection for this mapping is done by the CeSSRA team.

Information sources: Media reports, NGO reports, aid actors reports, as well as first-hand data collected by the CeSSRA team.

Period covered by data collection: September 1st, 2019 - till present.

Displaying 591 - 600 of 826
Titlesort ascending Actors / Mobilising structures Cause/ Grievances/ Framing CA Mode of action Objective State response Location Country Date
Employees of the "Jordanian-Syrian Company for Land Transport" stage a sit-in outside the Parliament to protest against the company's procrastination in paying them thirty-one months of unpaid wages Workers group: Other Access to socio-eco rights: Labour rights Sit-in Demands for rights / Services Bargaining Amman Jordan March 13, 2022
Employees of the "Jordanian-Syrian Company for Land Transport" stage a sit-in outside the Parliament to protest against the company's procrastination in paying them thirty-one months of unpaid wages Workers group: Other Access to socio-eco rights: Labour rights Sit-in Demands for rights / Services Bargaining Amman Jordan January 6, 2022
Employees of the "Jordanian-Syrian Company for Land Transport" stage a sit-in outside the Parliament to protest against the company's procrastination in paying them thirty-one months of unpaid wages Workers group: Other Access to socio-eco rights: Labour rights Sit-in Demands for rights / Services Bargaining Amman Jordan January 10, 2022
Employees of the "Jordanian-Syrian Company for Land Transport" stage a sit-in outside the Parliament to protest against the company's procrastination in paying them thirty months of unpaid wages Workers group: Other Corporate grievances, Access to socio-eco rights: Labour rights Sit-in Demands for rights / Services Bargaining Amman Jordan December 19, 2021
Employees of the "Jordanian-Syrian Company for Land Transport" stage a sit-in outside the Parliament to protest against the company's procrastination in paying them thirty months of unpaid wages Workers group: Other Access to socio-eco rights: Labour rights Sit-in Demands for rights / Services Bargaining Amman Jordan December 20, 2021
Employees of the "Jordanian-Syrian Company for Land Transport" stage a sit-in outside the Ministry of Transportation to protest against the company's procrastination in paying them two years and three months of unpaid wages Workers group: Other Access to socio-eco rights: Labour rights Sit-in Demands for rights / Services Repression Amman Jordan November 1, 2021
Employees of the "Jordanian-Syrian Company for Land Transport" stage a sit-in outside the Ministry of Transportation to demand the payment of thirty-five months of unpaid wages Workers group: Other Corporate grievances, Access to socio-eco rights: Labour rights Sit-in Demands for rights / Services N/A Amman Jordan September 4, 2022
Employees of the "Jordanian-Syrian Company for Land Transport" stage a sit-in in front of the Parliament to protest against the company's procrastination in paying them two years and three months of unpaid wages Workers group: Other Access to socio-eco rights: Labour rights Sit-in Demands for rights / Services Bargaining Amman Jordan October 25, 2021
Employees of Saru Municipality stage a protest to demand the payment of back allocations and bonuses Workers group: Public Sector Access to socio-eco rights: Labour rights Sit-in Demands for rights / Services N/A Saru Jordan January 28, 2021
Employees of Ramtha Governmental Hospital's medical staff stage a sit-in after the relatives of one of the patients attacked the hospital's director. Workers group: Healthcare workers Access to socio-eco rights: Social security and protection Sit-in Demands for rights / Services N/A Ar Ramtha Jordan October 17, 2022


Actors / Mobilising Structures Chart

Cause / Grievances / Framing CA Chart

Mode of Action Chart