Sarah elMasry
Sarah ElMasry is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Political Science and Sociology at the Scuola Normale Superiore and a member of the Center of Social Movement Studies (COSMOS). Her research explores the consequences of activism and participation in Egypt post the 2011 uprising with a focus on subjectivities, gender dynamics, and familial and affective ties. Before joining the Normale, she worked at The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action (2017 - 2018) as a researcher within the framework of the Gender Equity Network where she mainly developed the "Women, power and politics: milestones from Lebanon" timelines among other publications. She also worked as an adjunct instructor of sociology and a researcher at the American University in Cairo (2016-2017), where she conducted research on the crackdown on civil society in Egypt post-2013. ElMasry holds a BA in international relations from the American University in Cairo and an MSc in sociology from the University of Oxford.